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个人简历 人才培养 科学研究 教研成果












Zhang, X., Du, S., Taubenböck, H. Wang, Y., Du, S., Liu, B., Feng, Y. (2022). Underload city conceptual approach extending ghost city studies. npj Urban Sustainability, 2, 15.

Zhang, X., & Du, S. (2015). A Linear Dirichlet Mixture Model for decomposing scenes: Application to analyzing urban functional zonings, Remote Sensing of Environment, 169, 37-49. 

Zhang, X., & Du, S. (2016). Learning selfhood scales for urban land cover mapping with very-high-resolution satellite images. Remote Sensing of Environment, 178, 172-190. 

Zhang, X., Du, S., & Wang, Q. (2018). Integrating bottom-up classification and top-down feedback for improving urban land-cover and functional-zone mapping. Remote Sensing of Environment, 212, 231-248. 

Zhang, X., Du, S., Du, S., & Liu, B. (2020). How do land-use patterns influence residential environment quality? A multiscale geographic survey in Beijing. Remote Sensing of Environment. 249, 112014. 

Wang, H., Zhang, X.*, Du, S., Bai, L., & Liu, B. (2022), Mapping Annual Urban Evolution Process (2001–2018) at 250m: A normalized multi-objective deep learning regression, Remote Sensing of Environment, 278, 113088. 

Xiong, S., Zhang, X.*, Lei, Y., Tan, G., Du, S., Wang, H. (2024) Time-series China Urban Land Use Mapping (2016-2022): An approach for achieving spatial-consistency and semantic-transition rationality in temporal domain, Remote Sensing of Environment, 312, 114344. 

Zheng, Z., Yu, J., Zhang, X.*, Du, S. (2024). Development of a 30 m resolution global sand dune/sheet classification map (GSDS30) using multi-source remote sensing data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 302, 113973. 

Zhang, X., Du, S., & Wang, Q. (2017). Hierarchical semantic cognition for urban functional zones with VHR satellite images and POI data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 132, 170-184.  ESI1%高被引论文

Zhang, X., Du, S., & Zhang, J. (2018). How do people understand convenience-of-living: a multiscale geographic investigation in Beijing. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 148, 87-102. 

Zhang, X., Du, S., & Zheng, Z. (2020). Heuristic sample learning for complex urban scenes: application to urban functional-zone mapping with VHR images and POI data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 161, 1-12. 

Bai, L., Huang, W., Zhang, X.*, Du, S., Cong, G., Wang, H., Liu, B. (2023). Geographic mapping with unsupervised multi-modal representation learning from VHR images and POIs. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 201, 193-208. 

Dong, X., Zhang, X.*, Zhou, Q. (2023). Underload and overload communities: revealing the conflicts between population distribution and carrying capacity at an inner-city community scale. Sustainable Cities and Society. 98, 104793.